The GOES DCS Program is pursuing ongoing system improvements to modernize the system, improve system security, mitigate radio frequency interference, and improve user access. NOAA welcome’s public comment on these projects.
DCP operators are required (through System Use Agreement) to include the position of DCPs in the
field. This information is stored as part of the Platform Data Table (PDT) in the DCS Administration
and Data Distribution System (DADDS). This position data is important for several reasons, including
identifying malfunctioning DCPs that cause radiofrequency interference (RFI). Much of the current
DCP position data is incorrect or absent. NOAA is developing a communication protocols structure
that would allow users and manufacturers to program DCPs to transmit position data under certain
parameter. For example, a newly deployed DCP could report its position, which would be received in
DADDS and automatically populated the appropriate PDT. Additional logic can be implemented that
prevents this activity if it has been done recently (e.g. system resets for
Additionally, this protocol provides the opportunity to send additional platform data that might be
useful to NOAA, users, manufacturers. For example, the data could include software or firmware
version, radio types, battery levels, etc.
One available this capability is being initially approached as a voluntary option for users.
However, if significant user noncompliance in position
reporting continues it may become a mandated system requirement.
The current implementation study and proposal can be viewed at these links:
– Lat-Lon-TxID Implementation Study (pdf)
– Lat-Lon-TxID Specification (pdf)
GOES DCS has long operated using only two protocols: ASCII and Pseudobinary. These protocols can be
amended to use data symbols more efficiently and obtain compaction rates of 25-50% depending on
application. The ability to reduce message size, reduce transmission time, or increase data size in
an existing transmission time slot offer benefits to NOAA and users. Furthermore, GOES GOES DCS has
long planned to implement a pure binary protocol to provide an even more efficient way to
transmit messages.
These protocols are being approached as a voluntary option at present and are not
intended to negatively affect existing platforms.
The current proposal can be viewed here.
NOAA geostationary satellites have long had a transponder that facilitates UHF
communication back to Data Collection Platforms in the western hemisphere. This
latent capability has not been used in decades but provides a key capability to
modernize DCS into a dynamic system that can adapt to emerging needs. This system
can be used to send commands to DCPs remotely for any number of purposes that may
eliminate the need for a DCS user to physically visit the site.
NOAA has performed several studies and tests in order to restore this capability on the
GOES DCS. Most recently the DCS Program has completed a successful end-to-end
test sending commands from the DADDS interface to affect a remote DCP configuration
change (change channels, turn the transmitter off, etc.). NOAA is currently working on
a receiver reference design to share with industry and users. It is hoped this design in
combination with upgrades to DCS DADDS will create the necessary infrastructure to
jump-start industry development of DCPC units and commercial availability to users
needing this capability.
The current proposal can be viewed here.
The DCPC capability is intended as a voluntary option for users. However, the future of
this capability on the GeoXO constellation (planned replacements for the GOES) will be
predicated on acceptance and use on GOES. It is highly recommended that users who
desire DCPC signal their commitment to this capability so this capability can be
supported by NOAA.
U.S. federal agencies that would like show their support for this capability can signal
their commitment by completing this form and sending to the DCS Program
All other agencies, groups or entities (including all non-U.S. users) can show their
support for this capability by completing this form and sending it to the DCS