The Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (S-NPP) and Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) satellites include a Direct
Broadcast (DB) service that continuously downlinks science data, using a X band antenna, to compatible ground stations.
The S-NPP and NOAA-20 High-Rate Data (HRD) downlinks have a data rate of 15 Mbps. The JPSS-2 HRD will have a data rate of
25 Mbps.
A typical DB user ground station consists of an antenna, feed with low noise amplifier and downconverter, demodulator, and
processor. Many DB users have antennas in the 2.4-meter to 3.7-meter range. HRD users schedule S-NPP and NOAA-20 contacts using
orbital information provided by NOAA. During scheduled contacts, NOAA uses the JPSS ground system equipment at the Svalbard
ground station to record the HRD signal characteristics and generate an HRD Link Monitoring (HLM) report.
The Field Terminal Support (FTS) system provides Mission Support Data (including auxiliary and ancillary data), software,
and documentation to Field Terminal Integrators and DB users. The auxiliary data on FTS includes the Two-Line Element Sets
(TLE) that are used to determine the location of the satellite.
The JPSS Ground Segment implemented the FTS capability in the Government Resources for Algorithm Verification, Independent Test
and Evaluation (GRAVITE) system boundary in 2017 and operated FTS through mid-2021. The JPSS Ground Segment’s Data Products and
Management Services (DPMS), Office of Satellite and Product Operations (OSPO), Office of Satellite Ground Services (OSGS), and NOAA
Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) Service Delivery Division (SDD) transitioned FTS to OSPO’s Environmental Satellite
Processing Center (ESPC) and the NOAA Website Operations Center (WOC) in 2021. OSPO plans to assume responsibility for FTS Operations
and Maintenance (O&M) after a successful handover, in mid-2021.
The ESPC automatically ingests data from the FTS interfaces, including the JPSS Common Ground System. The ESPC’s Product
Distribution and Access (PDA) distributes the data to the NOAA WOC where FTS users access the MSD, software, and documents
through the FTS Web Portal. The FTS Portal is now operational. Access to the FTS web portal is through a self-registration process and all
customers around the world will be granted access. To access the FTS portal please go to the
FTS Web Portal.
The JPSS Ground Segment funds two Field Terminal Integrators to assemble the JPSS Program-supplied building blocks into
end-to-end processing systems for HRD users. The two Field Terminal Integrators are the University of Wisconsin - Madison,
Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC)/ Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), and NASA’s
Direct Readout Laboratory (DRL) at Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, MD. CIMSS developed and maintains the
Community Satellite Processing Package (CSPP) LEO software. The CIMSS
staff retrieve the Algorithm Development Library (ADL) software from FTS and use it to implement the CSPP LEO Sensor Data
Record (SDR) processing software.
NASA DRL develops and maintains the Real-time Software
Telemetry Processing System (RT-STPS) software. RT-STPS is available on the RT-STPS website and on the FTS Web Portal.
Additionally, both of the Field Terminal Integrators retrieve data from FTS and distribute the data to their customers.
Satellite orbital data is provided on the FTS web portal, to assist the DB community and partner agencies in locating and
tracking the satellites of interest. With their own ground station and the information from FTS, the DB user can capture and
process the HRD content and generate data products, such as SDRs and Environmental Data Records (EDRs). The DB user can
download the HLM report to troubleshoot any reception issues.
Important Note:
The ancillary files in FTS now have the original filenames for the files as received by PDA. Note that in the Legacy FTS, the
ancillary files were renamed in IDPS (after pulling the files from PDA) and before sending to files to the CGS for distribution
to FTS.
Ancillary Data Filenames are Different than the Filenames in the Legacy FTS
Type of Data | OSPO FTS Example | Legacy FTS Example |
ncep_gfs | 20210325000000-fh.003_tl. press_gr.0p5deg_pt.npoess |
off_NCEP-GFS-03HR -ANC_GFS_NCEP_003f_20210327_ 202103270000Z_20210327033701Z _ee20210327060000Z_np.grib2 |
fnmoc_navgem | US058GMET-GR2mdl.0018_ 0056_00300F0RL2021032700 |
off_FNMOC-03HR-ANC _FNMOC_FNMOC_003f_20210327_ 202103270000Z_20210327035101Z _ee20210327060000Z_np.grib2 |
fnmoc_naaps | US058GMET-GR2mdl.0018_ 0056_00300F0RL2021032700 _0001_000000-000000aero_opt_depth |
off_NAAPS-03HR-ANC _NAAPS_FNMOC_003f_20210327_ 202103270000Z_20210327035001Z _ee20210327060000Z_np.grib2 |
polar_wander | 20210327024503- finals2000A.all |
off_USNO-PolarWander -UT1-ANC_Ser7_USNO_000f_ 20210305_202103050000Z_ 20210305000101Z_ee20210312120000Z _np.ascii |
FTS acquires the following auxiliary data: