NOAA-12 AVHRR DAY & NIGHT SST EQUATIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOAA 12 SST Equations 3/8/94 ***NOAA-12 NOT CURRENTLY USED IN GLOBAL OPERATIONAL PROCESSING*** Regression Output:MCSST TRIPLE night Constant -271.971 Std Err of Y Est 0.476915 R Squared 0.99384 No. of Observations 761 Degrees of Freedom 757 Features T3.7-T12 T11 SEC0-1 X Coefficient(s) 0.911173 1.000281 1.710028 Std Err of Coef. 0.015322 0.003874 0.103441 Regression Output:MCSST DUAL night Constant -279.846 Std Err of Y Est 0.567181 R Squared 0.991287 No. of Observations 761 Degrees of Freedom 757 Features T3.7-T11 T11 SEC0-1 X Coefficient(s) 1.288548 1.031355 2.265075 Std Err of Coef. 0.026994 0.004349 0.121913 Regression Output:MCSST SPLIT night Constant -263.94 Std Err of Y Est 0.511227 R Squared 0.992921 No. of Observations 761 Degrees of Freedom 757 Features T11-T12 T11 (T11-T12)*(SEC0-1) X Coefficient(s) 2.384376 0.967077 0.480788 Std Err of Coef. 0.049375 0.004568 0.061476 Regression Output:NLSST TRIPLE night Constant -260.854 Std Err of Y Est 0.469015 R Squared 0.994042 No. of Observations 761 Degrees of Freedom 757 Tsfc* Features (T3.7-T12) T11 (SEC0-1) X Coefficient(s) 0.033139 0.963368 1.731971 Std Err of Coef. 0.000546 0.004158 0.101668 Regression Output:NLSST DUAL night Constant -276.9 Std Err of Y Est 0.537463 R Squared 0.992176 No. of Observations 761 Degrees of Freedom 757 Tsfc* Features (T3.7-T11) T11 SEC0-1 X Coefficient(s) 0.050549 1.021468 2.201377 Std Err of Coef. 0.000987 0.004195 0.115597 Regression Output:NLSST SPLIT night Constant -240.229 Std Err of Y Est 0.475031 R Squared 0.993888 No. of Observations 761 Degrees of Freedom 757 Tsfc* Features (T11-T12) T11 (T11-T12)*(SEC0-1) X Coefficient(s) 0.081646 0.888706 0.576136 Std Err of Coef. 0.001537 0.005243 0.056038 Regression Output:NLSST SPLIT Day Constant -236.667 Std Err of Y Est 0.483151 R Squared 0.98784 No. of Observations 419 Degrees of Freedom 415 Tsfc* T11 (T11-T12) (T11-T12)*(SEC0-1) X Coefficient(s) 0.876992 0.083132 0.349877 Std Err of Coef. 0.009262 0.00166 0.073627 Regression Output:MCSST SPLIT Day Constant -263.006 Std Err of Y Est 0.540754 R Squared 0.984767 No. of Observations 419 Degrees of Freedom 415 T11 T11-T12 (T11-T12)*(SEC0-1) X Coefficient(s) 0.963563 2.579211 0.242598 Std Err of Coef. 0.009217 0.058894 0.082973 Revised NOAA 12 AVHRR Day and Night SST Equations 3/08/94 MCSST=linear Multi-Channel Sea Surface Temperature algorithm. NLSST=Non-linear Sea Surface Temperature algorithm. All equations based on December 1993 drifting buoy matchups. T3.7,T11,T12=AVHRR channels 3,4,5 brightness temperatures (Deg.K) SEC0=secant of satellite zenith angle. Tsfc is an apriori estimate of surface temperature (degrees Celsius). It can be based on a satellite only or blended or climatological based field analysis, or derived from the actual satellite measurements using one of the MCSST equations. In operational use Tsfc is limited to the range between 28 and -2 Deg Celsius. NOAA 11 continues to be used operationally at NESDIS for operational global processing. Example of use: Night MCSST SPLIT Eqn.=0.967077*T11+2.384*(T11-T12)+0.481*(T11- T12)*(SEC0-1)-263.94 (Deg. Centigrade). ######